1st Consortium Meeting in Münster

The project started with the kickoff meeting at the University of Münster, Germany, (March 30th to April 1st, 2016) in order to get to know each other in the consortium and discuss overall open and emerging issues as well as questions on the research design/framework, mapping and analyzing the policy field as well as research ethics and publication and dissemination activities (i.e. WP 1, 2, 3 and 10).

Since the first consortium meeting a project website has been launched including contextual information on the research background and specific information on the project as for instance objectives, work plan, information on the consortium and helpful links. A glossary of relevant terms has also been created and is publicly accessible on the website. Also, the Working Papers on the research design (WP2), the mapping and analysis of the policy field (WP3) and research ethics and dissemination (WP10) have been worked on. While the research design has been finalized by now, the final versions of the papers of the latter two WPs are due next months.

Next steps will include the set up and completion of an online database on contextual information and data related to the different dimensions of the complex relationships of LLL policies for young adults, the construction of target groups, processes of the de-standardisation and re-standardisation of youth life courses, the political economy of skills, and the macro-structural institutional framework across the participating countries as well as a draft of the state of the art report (WP2). In summer 2016 the indicators for the policy mapping will be identified in order to choose relevant documents on LLL policies for the analysis in the national reports (WP3). By that time the drafts of all ethics documents will also be assembled in order to produce a final version of all ethics documents (e.g. consent letter, informational material) later this year (WP10). The work on the next following WPs 4, 5, 6 and 7 will begin shortly.

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