YOUNG_ADULLLT Cross-thematic Session at the CESE Conference in Glasgow

The 27th Conference of the Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE) will discuss the theme of ‘Equity in and through education: Changing contexts, consequences, and contestations’.

The conference will be hosted by the Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change at the historic University of Glasgow from May 31 to June 03, 2016, Scotland, UK. YOUNG_ADULLLT partners are organizing a Cross-thematic session to discuss how current European education policies characterize the target groups of young adults and whether they account for the fact that young adults are a highly dynamic and heterogeneous target groups in terms of socio-economic stratification and living conditions and in terms of life projects, interest and possibilities. Thus, the contributions in the session look into relevant social developments affecting young adults such as life course de-standardisation processes and into the emergence of a new political economy of skills. The session is titled ‘Between Knowledge and Economy: European education policies for growth and inclusion and their impact on young people’ and is scheduled for Thursday, June 2 from 14:00 to 16:00. For more information and the full programme of the conference please access:

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