Work Package 3
Policy Mapping, Review and Analysis
WP 3 provides a map on different LLL policies, their implementation on national and regional/local level to identify specific orientations and objectives of LLL policies targeting young adults, their underlying success criteria and potential ambivalences and difficulties. LLL policies are closely linked to their specific regional and/or local settings: mapping the field helps us to understand the specific forms of embedding of LLL policies in the regional economy and the labour market, identifies tensions between policy strategies and their local implementation as well as intended and unintended effects on young adult life courses.
Research in WP 3 produces a thorough overview of LLL policies through document and content analysis; the identified indicators also guide the overall comparisons of the national findings in the participating countries in the following comparative analysis; further, two functional regions per participating country, individuals and collective actors are identified. These analyses are used to identify different patterns of policymaking in Europe are identified, thus partially explaining their effectiveness or ineffectiveness.