"Most young people believe that professional success will depend on learning new skills throughout their working lives" (International Labour Organization, 2017, p.80).
Read more ...On Thursday, November 30, the project entitled "Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course" was presented in Seville as a "success case".
Read more ...Why young adults nowadays face such difficulties in finding a job? Why also graduated people do not always find job consistently with their qualification? Why in Italy we have both the lower graduation rate in Europe and the higher rate of intellectual unemployment? Are the LLL policies able to improve the young adults' living conditions? How the young adults make sense of the LLL policies? And do these policies actually fit their needs and expectations? Which advices and suggestion deriving form research might be helpful to institutions and policy makers in order to tackle these problems?
Read more ...The Early Career Researcher Kick-off Meeting was held one day before the Fourth Consortium Meeting on November 15th, 2017 in Genoa, Italy and marked the first structured collaboration amongst us researchers in their early stages within the project. The Kick-off meeting started under the under the motto of three c's: capacity-building, collaborating and collecting ideas for our formation as a group.
Read more ...The Fourth Consortium Meeting of the project was held in Genoa from November 15 –17, 2017 and marked the completion of the fieldwork. "Now that we completed the data collection phase of the YOUNG_ADULLT project", as coordinator Prof. Marcelo Parreira do Amaral stated, "we successfully paved the way for our comparative analyses and the dissemination of results".
Read more ...The Third Consortium Meeting of the project was held in Granada from June 28th to 30th, 2017 un-der the motto ‚heading into the analysis of the fieldwork', and stimulated a lively discussion for final-ising the projects' second phase on data collection, treatment and analysis.
Read more ...Can social justice and inclusion be fulfilled by Life Long Learning policies? Under the warm Veronese sun, this question was tackled by the YOUNG_ADULLLT project as they presented the project for the first time in a plenary session at the international conference of the ESREA Network on Policy Studies in Adult Education 'Equity, Social Justice and Adult Education and Learning Policy', from 8-10 June 2017 in Verona, Italy.
Read more ...The third Newsletter of YOUNG_ADULLLT comes now with a brand new design and keeps you updated on the project latest activities and projects news.
Read more ...The first meeting of the German National Advisory Board (NAB) was held in Münster on 12th May 2017. The National Advisory Board is conceived to work as 'critical friends' and 'bridge builders'. It provides feedback on the research process and support for research activities.
Read more ...The first meeting of the Italian National Advisory Board was held on 10th April 2017
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